October 20, 2024

Terrance Weihl

Comfortable Interior Design

15 Reasons A Smart Home Makes Sense

15 Reasons A Smart Home Makes Sense


If you’re new to the smart home movement, or just considering whether or not it’s right for you, here are some of the main reasons why having a smart house can be beneficial.

15 Reasons A Smart Home Makes Sense


Security is another big reason to consider a smart home. Many houses have security systems in place, but you can monitor your system remotely and get alerts when something is wrong. For example, if someone opens the door while you’re away or breaks into your house while you’re asleep, the smart security system will send an alert to your phone so that you know what’s going on and can take action accordingly.


It’s easy to control your home using a smart system, whether that means remotely controlling it from anywhere or setting up automated routines for when you are away from home. For example, if your house is equipped with cameras and security systems, then the app can let you see what’s going on in real time and even alert the police if there’s an intruder or fire. You can also use it to control other devices in your home like lights and blinds–or even have them turn off automatically when no one is around!

Health monitoring.

A smart home can monitor a variety of health-related conditions, including heart rate, blood pressure and temperature. If something is amiss, it will alert you right away so that you can get treatment in time–and stay healthy!

Energy efficiency.

  • Smart thermostats can be controlled remotely and programmed to adjust the temperature automatically.
  • Smart lighting systems can turn on and off at set times, or when you enter or leave a room: no more fumbling for light switches!
  • Smart appliances like fridges, ovens and dishwashers can be monitored from your smartphone so that if something stops working properly, you’ll know about it before it becomes too serious an issue (and saves you from having to call out an expensive repairman).
  • Air conditioning units are getting smarter all the time – they’re now able to detect when people arrive home so that they don’t start up until needed; some also have built-in sensors that monitor humidity levels inside houses so as not to waste energy by cooling rooms which aren’t occupied very often; others even learn how long it takes them each day before deciding whether there’s actually any need for heating or cooling at all!

Better control of your home environment.

  • Better control of your home environment.
  • Nest Learning Thermostat, $250 (available at Amazon)
  • Alexa-enabled smart plugs, starting at $30 (available at Amazon)

Environmentally friendly living.

You may have heard that a smart home can help you save money, but did you know that it can also be good for the environment? Here are a few ways in which your smart home will reduce waste and carbon footprint:

  • Reduce energy consumption by using smart thermostats to control temperature remotely and even set schedules based on the weather. This will allow you to keep things cool or warm when they need it most without having to waste energy during peak hours of use (for example, if no one is home).
  • Reduce waste by recycling old electronics instead of disposing them in landfills where they take decades to decompose. The same goes for food scraps–why not compost them into fertilizer for plants instead!

Increased homeowner satisfaction and appreciation for their houses.

You’re going to love your smart home. It will make you feel connected to your house in ways that weren’t possible before, and it will help you save money on energy bills and insurance premiums. Here are 15 ways that a smart home can improve the quality of life for homeowners:

  • You’ll feel more connected to your home because it helps you monitor things like temperature and lighting remotely via smartphone or tablet apps, so if something goes wrong (like the air conditioning breaks), you’ll know about it immediately.
  • Your guests will be impressed by all of the technology at work behind-the-scenes when they visit your place–it’s like showing off!
  • Smart thermostats can save up to 20{b49b303a7b364ea97526b80c05df49c778ed6cb5d57b8fb402e2f2bd6d1200d4} on heating costs during winter months by keeping homes warmer at lower temperatures while still maintaining comfort levels for occupants; they also allow users greater control over their environments so they don’t waste energy unnecessarily when no one is home or sleeping overnight in bed reading books aloud together as part of their nightly routine before going out dancing downtown together on Saturday nights after work.”

Better accessibility for elderly, disabled or injured family members who need help with their homes in order to live comfortably there.

You may have heard that smart homes are great for the elderly and disabled, but did you know that they can also help people with disabilities live more comfortably?

The following are examples of how smart homes can be used to help people with disabilities stay in their homes:

  • A smart thermostat can be programmed to turn on at a certain time of day so that it’s warm or cool when you wake up. This will make it easier for people who need assistance getting dressed and out of bed in the morning.
  • A smart doorbell camera allows someone inside the house who has trouble getting around (or simply doesn’t want to venture outside) an opportunity to see visitors before they come inside–and even speak with them via video chat if needed! This feature is particularly useful if you have children who might answer without knowing whether or not there are strangers present on your doorstep (or perhaps even friends who would like access).

You can have a smart home with the right system installed in your house, whether it’s new construction, or an existing house with older gadgets already in place

There are many smart home systems available. The most popular is the Amazon Alexa system, which you can use to control your lights, thermostat and more with voice commands. Other popular brands include Google Home and Apple’s Siri-enabled HomePod speaker.

There’s no one size fits all solution for a smart home but there are some commonalities among them all: They allow homeowners to control their homes remotely using their smartphones or other devices via an app interface (the “brain” of your system), allowing you to turn on lights when walking through the door after work without turning on every single light in your home just because it seems like such a waste not doing so!


There are so many reasons to have a smart home, and we’ve only scratched the surface here. If you’re still not convinced, then perhaps it’s time for another look at what your home could do for you.