October 20, 2024

Terrance Weihl

Comfortable Interior Design

How To Design Outdoor Lighting

How To Design Outdoor Lighting


When it comes to your outdoor living space, you want it to look great. Lighting is a huge part of this, and can transform the way your yard looks at night outdoor design. But lighting can be expensive and difficult, too! We’ve put together some tips for you to consider when designing outdoor lighting:

How To Design Outdoor Lighting

Lighting is a huge part of your outdoor living space.

If you’re like most people, you probably spend a lot of time in your outdoor space. You might have a patio or deck that’s perfect for entertaining friends and family. You may also have an area where you can relax and unwind after work or school.

In either case, lighting is an important part of any outdoor living space because it can help create the right mood and make it easier for you to see what’s going on around you–whether that means seeing what kind of food is left on the buffet table so guests don’t grab too much at once or spotting any potential dangers such as loose rocks or puddles in the path leading up from their cars (or worse).

The first step is to decide what kind of lighting you want.

The first step is to decide what kind of lighting you want. Do you want ambient lighting or task lighting? Would a combination of both be best for your needs? Are solar powered lights more convenient or traditional electric ones? Do you want to use light bulbs or LEDs (light emitting diodes)?

Lighting can make the difference between an outdoor space being comfortable and usable, or dark and unwelcoming.

Decide on the type of light fixtures that are best for your space.

  • LED lights are more energy efficient than other types of lighting.
  • LEDs are also cooler to the touch, which is important when you have kids or pets in your yard.
  • LEDs last longer than other types of lighting.
  • Many LED fixtures are available in different colors so that you can match them with the rest of your decorating scheme

Choose the amount of light you need, and how far it should reach.

When choosing your lighting, it’s important to consider the amount of light you need and how far it should reach. If you’re trying to illuminate an entire room, like a dining room or living room, then you might need brighter fixtures than if you were just illuminating a table for two.

When deciding how much light is appropriate for your space, think about what kind of moods or activities will happen there: Are people going to be reading? Watching TV? Cooking? Playing games? The more intense these activities are–and therefore the more focused they require people’s attention–the brighter your fixtures should be.

Evaluate your current wiring and determine how much power your new light will require.

Before you begin any outdoor lighting project, it’s important to know how much power your new light will require. You can do this by evaluating your current wiring and determining how much power each light fixture will draw.

The first step is to determine the wattage of your existing lights. If you don’t know what kind of bulbs they use, check the base or manufacturer label on each fixture. Most lamps will state their wattage right there–for example “100W” or “150W”. Once you have that information in hand, multiply it by how many bulbs are installed in each lamp (so if there are two 100W lamps on one circuit breaker panel, that means they draw 200 watts total). Finally add up all these individual wattages together to get an estimate for how much electricity all of those lights collectively use in a given period (usually 24 hours).

Once we’ve got our estimated usage number from above, we need only compare it against some basic guidelines for sizing new circuits:

Consider where you’ll place lighting fixtures in relation to furniture, plants, and other objects in the space.

  • Consider where you’ll place lighting fixtures in relation to furniture, plants, and other objects in the space.
  • If a plant is close to a light fixture or if there are many large pieces of furniture that would block light from getting to an area of your yard, consider moving the fixture so that it doesn’t interfere with these things.
  • It’s also important for outdoor lighting fixtures to be placed so that they don’t interfere with other parts of your home either–for example, if there are windows near where you plan on installing outdoor lights then make sure these aren’t blocked by any sort of shade covering or curtains on them (if possible).

Consider where you’ll place lighting fixtures around existing trees and shrubs, so they won’t block or obstruct their growth or hinder their ability to thrive in different seasons.

When designing your outdoor lighting, it’s important to consider the size and height of any trees or shrubs on your property. You should also take into account where you’ll place lighting fixtures around existing trees and shrubs, so they won’t block or obstruct their growth or hinder their ability to thrive in different seasons.

If possible, do not place lighting fixtures directly over top of trees or shrubs; instead try placing them in areas where you can see them from all angles (such as along walkways).

Outdoor lighting doesn’t have to be complicated, but planning out where you want it to go is key!

Designing outdoor lighting can be a complicated process, but it doesn’t have to be. The key is planning out where you want to put your lights and what type of light they will provide.

Lighting plays an important role in outdoor spaces because it helps create moods that help set the tone for different activities. For example, if you’re hosting an outdoor party or gathering then bright white lights may be best so everyone can see each other clearly (and vice versa). But if you’re looking for something more romantic, softer colored bulbs might fit better with your overall design scheme. It’s also important to consider how far away from the house or structure these fixtures should go; too close and they’ll cause glare on surfaces like glass windows; too far away and people won’t be able to see them at all!


We hope this guide has helped you understand how to design outdoor lighting. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the number of choices out there and the fact that they can all look so different. But if you start with a plan in mind and keep it simple, then choosing your perfect lights will be much easier!