October 19, 2024

Terrance Weihl

Comfortable Interior Design

The 10 Best Tips For Waterfowlers

The 10 Best Tips For Waterfowlers


Waterfowl hunting is one of the most exciting ways to spend time outdoor. Whether you’re hunting with a partner or by yourself, there are some things you should know to stay safe – and have more fun!

Waterfowlers come from all walks of life and from all over North America. But whether you’re an urban duck hunter or live out in the boondocks, there are a few things you should know about being safe while hunting ducks and geese. Here are 10 tips for staying safe:

The 10 Best Tips For Waterfowlers

Don’t be a turkey.

Don’t be a turkey.

No, not that kind of turkey. I’m talking about the one we all love to hunt and eat–the wild bird with a wacky gobble that has become synonymous with springtime in America. And while you may think this is an obvious point, it’s not always easy to remember when you’re out in the field hunting them down like they’re nothing more than targets on a shooting range or paper targets at your local archery range (which can also be fun).

Get your ducks in a row.

Before you head out on your hunt, make sure that you know the rules and regulations. This can be tricky if it’s your first time hunting waterfowl, but don’t be afraid to ask someone who knows them. There are lots of resources available online or in person (such as sporting goods stores), so don’t hesitate to use them!

If a fellow hunter breaks one of these rules–either accidentally or intentionally–don’t hesitate to report them if necessary. You may think that no one cares about these types of things but they do; reporting hunters who break regulations helps protect our sport from becoming illegal by regulating how people act while hunting in public places like parks and wetlands where many other people enjoy watching animals live freely without being hunted themselves.

Be a good neighbor.

  • Be respectful of other hunters and landowners.
  • Make sure you are hunting within the legal boundaries of your property.
  • Don’t trespass on other people’s land, even if it looks like no one is around–they might be out hunting or fishing themselves! Stay away from their houses and cars, too; it’s not cool to shoot at those things just because they’re there (and besides, shooting houses and cars can get you into serious trouble).

Keep your ducks dry and clean.

  • Keep your ducks dry and clean.
  • Store them in a cool, dry place.
  • Don’t leave them out in the sun for too long (or at all). This can cause damage to their feathers, which can be painful for the duckling and make it difficult for them to fly or swim properly later on in life.
  • Never leave your waterfowl out in rain or snow–the cold will chill them down quickly!

Know the law and obey it.

It’s important to know the hunting laws for the area you are hunting. Obey them and follow them to the letter, or else you could find yourself in trouble with local law enforcement officials. If you’re unsure about a law, ask someone who does know before going out into the field.

Have a hunting plan and stick to it.

  • Know the area you are hunting.
  • Know the wind direction and terrain.
  • Know the time of day, season and regulations for your area.

Avoid human contact and well-traveled areas if possible.

Avoid human contact and well-traveled areas if possible.

When you’re out in the field, it’s important to keep your head up and eyes open so you don’t run into anyone else. If you do have to go through a populated area, try not to stop or make eye contact with anyone.

Use correct calling techniques and calls for the area you are hunting.

Using the correct calls for the area you are hunting is important. Using a call that is too loud or soft, or for an incorrect species of bird will not attract them.

For example, if you are hunting in an open field where there aren’t many trees around and all of your ducks will be flying over head at long range, then it would be best to use a call with more range such as one that sounds like mallard ducks or teal ducks. If however there are many trees around and some wooded areas where some birds may land after being attracted by your call then using a shorter range call such as mallard-pintail blend will work better than one with more volume like teal-mallard blend because these calls have less volume thus attracting them closer before scaring them off again due to noise pollution caused by high decibels produced by louder calls such as those mentioned above which could cause injury if someone were standing nearby when they heard it go off unexpectedly while walking through thick brush looking for downed birds

Hunt in pairs, if possible, especially when hunting alone as a woman or teen hunter. If you do go alone, make sure you let someone know where you are going and when you expect to be back home after dark (and don’t get sidetracked). And remember that the wind may not be blowing in the direction it appears to be when you first set out hunting – always double check before heading out so you know what direction to take on your way back home again!

  • If you can, hunt in pairs. Hunting alone is not only more dangerous but also more difficult. If you do go alone, make sure you let someone know where you are going and when you expect to be back home after dark (and don’t get sidetracked).
  • Always double check the wind direction before heading out so that the wind isn’t blowing in an unexpected direction when it comes time for retrieval!


Now that you know the 10 best tips for waterfowlers, get out there and have fun!